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Serena Morena is a feminist support network

for women and non-binary individuals undergoing abortion situations in Peru. They secured funding to construct their new website through a financing grant.

My role

Product designer



Brand Conceptualization, Flow mapping, Information Architecture, Web design, UXUI Design


Product Designer 

UI Designer

Serena Volunteers

The main objective of Las Serenas

"We serve as a hub for community training and political engagement. Our commitment lies in fostering direct, decentralized, and voluntary actions in response to the unjust criminalization of our right to decide. We generate initiatives from the urban spaces, hamlets, communities, streets, banks, neighborhoods, and squares."

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The process

It was a collaborative effort with Serena Morena volunteers, involving multiple work sessions to finalize the web's information architecture and organize all the content that the collective aimed to include.

 The following objectives were sought with the creation of the web:


To give information about their contact and help channels


To disseminate relevant information on women's rights


Make visible the work and initiatives of the Serenas

Web content

I need information about serenas

was the primary section, housing a step-by-step guide on how to contact and request support from a volunteer at Serena Morena.

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Feminist bets

The volunteers of Serena Morena have actively engaged in diverse artistic, cultural, and political initiatives. This section serves to showcase the outcomes and results of these projects.

- Cultural festivals

- Photographic samples

- Forums and conversations

- Workshops

- Support phone line

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The Serena's Bookstore was established on an internal page of the website, housing a collection of articles, videos, testimonials, and various other audiovisual materials curated by the collective.

- Serena's Video Library

- Important texts

- Fanzines and publications

- Press

- Digital art workshop

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